Bona Verba from the Headmaster
As I mentioned in this space last time, CLASSICAL will be welcoming more than 450 students this fall in grades K-6 for our inaugural year. Parents, thank you for choosing this place among the many schooling options you have in the greater Cincinnati area. In choosing classical education for your child, you have chosen a more difficult path, but one that brings great rewards for those who travel it well.
We hope not merely to care for our students but to help them fill their minds with knowledge. Our methods are the old-fashioned ones—we diagram sentences, we read the great and difficult books, we memorize and recite poetry, we do mathematical proofs. We do things the hard way because we know that there are no shortcuts when it comes to understanding and because we believe that the things we study are worth the effort.
To honor the choice that you have made, we promise to treat your children’s education as an end in itself. We promise to help them learn to be virtuous, not just credentialed. We promise to educate them to be thinkers, not merely to train them for a particular profession. We promise to challenge them to help them see what they are capable of. We promise to help your children know themselves, and to help them cultivate their minds and their characters in accordance with virtue.
We ask that you support our school in the community and to your children. This important and difficult education relies upon a close partnership between parent and teacher. Because a classical school aims for more than just supervising students, or training them for careers, we cannot go about our work without you. Help us teach them to develop the good habits that lead to moral virtue. Above all, help us demonstrate to them that learning is not just for young people. Show them through example that curiosity about the world along with the good judgment to understand it well is the truest and best source of human happiness.
To our supporters, I say with much gratitude: thank you! Your support of our mission and vision continues to be essential as we move toward opening a new school. We have much work to do to ready the building and the grounds over the next five months so that we can provide the kind of beautiful place necessary for the natural human flourishing of our students, faculty, and staff.
For more information on how to contribute, please visit our Ways to Give page or email CLASSICAL Board President, Dr. Jed Hartings at
We thank you for your support of Cincinnati Classical Academy, and we look forward to an excellent inaugural school year.
Curate, ut valeatis!
Michael Rose, Headmaster

Mr. Michael Rose
Meet the Headmaster
Mr. Rose has taught various courses at Brown University, Cincinnati Moeller, and The Summit Country Day School. As a part of his degree work in education, Mr. Rose’s research interests included the Great Books curriculum, the Paideia teaching method, and the “effects of emerging digital technology on student reading, writing, and researching.” Read More