Bona Verba

See what’s happening at Cincinnati Classical Academy

What Happens at CLASSICAL during the Summer?

Bona Verba from the Headmaster For most parents and supporters of Cincinnati Classical Academy, the summer months can seem like a mystery. You might picture teachers embarking on six-week camping trips, the headmaster relaxing by a pool with a cold lemonade, or the leadership team leisurely reading Dante and Homer.

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Embracing Tradition, Embracing Growth

Bona Verba from the Headmaster On Tuesday evening we made the momentous announcement to a packed gymnasium that we now have a permanent future home. After a careful, four-year search that witnessed our school’s growth from concept to reality, with robust enrollment and historic academic achievement, we announced that the

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Order in Service to Joy

Bona Verba from the Headmaster At Cincinnati Classical Academy, the core philosophy that “order is in service to joy” guides our educational approach and commitment to nurturing an environment where students can flourish. CLASSICAL recognizes that providing structure and consistency is essential for enabling students to engage in learning with

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Fostering Dignity Through Prudence

Bona Verba from the Headmaster At Cincinnati Classical Academy, we believe in fostering the inherent dignity of every individual, instilling values that go beyond academics to shape our students into virtuous citizens of the world. Central to our mission is the promotion of seven core virtues, with prudence standing as

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Promoting Virtue and Resilience in the Face of Digital Temptations

Bona Verba from the Headmaster In his thought-provoking talk, “TikTok Ate My Daughter and My Son Won’t Stop Playing Video Games,” delivered at CLASSICAL’s Veritatis Splendor Parents Night last month, Dr. Leonard Sax shed light on the alarming influence of social media and smartphones on our society, particularly our youth.

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The Teacher Recruitment Process

Bona Verba from the Headmaster As winter transitions into spring, the halls of Cincinnati Classical Academy buzz with anticipation and purpose. It’s teacher recruitment season again, a time marked by careful consideration and fervent dedication to finding educators who will contribute to the cultivation of wisdom and virtue in our

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School Uniforms

Bona Verba from the Headmaster Cincinnati Classical Academy believes in the importance of school uniforms, considering them not just as a mandatory dress code but as an integral part of fostering a conducive learning environment. The commitment to uniforms at CLASSICAL goes beyond aesthetics, encompassing a range of reasons that

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Quadrivial Pursuits

Bona Verba from the Headmaster At Cincinnati Classical Academy, the Quadrivium plays a crucial role in shaping our educational mission, contributing to the creation of a well-rounded and interconnected educational experience. Positioned as the sequential stage following the Trivium – grammar, logic, and rhetoric – the Quadrivium is comprised of

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Planting Ourselves in the Real World

Bona Verba from the Headmaster Cincinnati Classical Academy’s Postman Pledge initiative, drawing inspiration from the insights of renowned philosopher and media critic Neil Postman, aims to cultivate a lower-tech environment in the homelife of CLASSICAL families. This commitment encourages families to reflect on the pervasive influence of technology in their

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