Bona Verba From the Headmaster
Many parents who wholeheartedly support out classical mission are often incredulous about our ability to find teachers who are true classical educators that can serve our school’s unique mission effectively.
“Where will you find these people?” they ask. Given that classical education is an alternative to the technology skills-based education so prevalent in most schools today, this is an honest question. It is a seemingly impossible task to find educators who believe in teacher-led classrooms, explicit phonics instruction, sentence diagramming, studying Latin grammar, bar modeling math problems, and reading old books.
I am happy to report that these teachers are out there–working quietly in public, private, Catholic, and charter schools, both here in Cincinnati and across the country. And they’re attracted to Cincinnati Classical Academy’s mission and vision. They want to teach here!
Our faculty for CLASSICAL’s inaugural year is shaping up to be one of the brightest, most enthusiastic, and motivated to be found anywhere in the country. I know that sounds like hyperbole–but it is not! I’ve found that those applying to work as part of the CLASSICAL community are mission-driven. They aren’t just looking for a teaching position; they are looking to teach specifically at Cincinnati Classical Academy. They are attracted to our content-rich curriculum in the classical liberal arts and sciences, and our focus on pursuing the good, the true, and the beautiful.
So far we’ve hired a veteran kindergarten teacher who uses the Socratic method with her five-year-olds, a master fine arts teacher who has developed a comprehensive classical art program, a veteran drama coach who has 15 years of experience producing high class musicals with middle school students, a Hillsdale alum who is returning to his native Cincinnati to teach Latin, history, and the great classics of literature after years of teaching in a Classical school in Florida, a first grade teacher who speaks fluent Russian, and several recent Hillsdale College graduates who have been formed as Classical educators. What they all have in common is that they want to be here, they believe in our mission, and they want to see our students formed in moral character and civic virtue.
The hiring process is by no means over; in fact it’s really just beginning. So, if you know of any educators who might be attracted to the mission and vision of Cincinnati Classical Academy, please point them toward the Careers page on our website. And if you’d like to meet some of our newly-hired teachers, I invite you to attend our Open House on Sunday, February 27 from 2-5 PM. See you there!
Curate, ut valeatis!
Michael Rose, Headmaster

Mr. Michael Rose
Meet the Headmaster
Mr. Rose has taught various courses at Brown University, Cincinnati Moeller, and The Summit Country Day School. As a part of his degree work in education, Mr. Rose’s research interests included the Great Books curriculum, the Paideia teaching method, and the “effects of emerging digital technology on student reading, writing, and researching.” Read More