2023-24 School Calendar

View the 2023-24 school year’s academic calendar schedule.

School building opens to students: 7:30 a.m. (Early-bird arrivals to cafeteria until 7:50 a.m.)

School day:
8:15 a.m.- 3:15 p.m.
Aftercare: 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Instructional hours per day (does not include lunch or recess): 6.25 hours 


August 17-18          New Teacher Orientation Days – for new faculty members only.               
August 21-24Faculty Professional Development Days
August 25Meet-the-Teacher Day / Students Supplies Drop-Off

First Quarter

40 days for students (250 hours)
August 29 First Day of School for grades 1-7. Beginning of First Quarter
August 31 Extracurriculars Night. 7 PM in Gym.
September 4 Labor Day. No school.
September 5 First Day of School for kindergartners
September 6 Back to school Curriculum Night for K-4. 7 PM
September 7 Back to School Curriculum Night for grades 5-7. 7 PM
October 12-13 Parent/Teacher Conferences. No school.
October 16-17 Fall Break
October 30 End of First Quarter

Second Quarter

41 days for students (256.25 hours)

October 31History Dress-Up Day. Beginning of Second Quarter
November 9Veterans Day Assembly
November 10No school. Veterans Day
November 22-24Thanksgiving Break
December 19Early Dismissal at 11:45 AM
Dec. 20-January 2Christmas Break
January 12End of Second Quarter

Third Quarter

44 days for students (275 hours) *to accommodate possible snow days

January 15 MLK Holiday
January 16 Beginning of Third Quarter
February 16 In-service Day. No students
February 19 Presidents Day Holiday
Feb 29-Mar 1 Parent/Teacher Conferences. No school.
March 22 End of Third Quarter
March 25-April 1 Spring Break

Fourth Quarter

40.5 days for students (253 hours)
April 2 Beginning of Fourth Quarter
April 8 No School – Total Eclipse
April 22 In-service Day. No students
May 6 In-service Day. No students
May 27 Memorial Day. No school
May 30 Second Annual Classical Olympiad
May 31 End of Fourth Quarter. Last Day of School. Dismissal at 11:45 AM.

Events Calendar

View the latest upcoming events.