Miss Julia Hoyda

Middle School Science Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science (Biology | Hillsdale College)
  • Pending PhD (Neuroscience | University of Cincinnati School of Medicine)

Almost-Dr. Hoyda was born and raised in the far-west suburbs of Chicago, attended Hillsdale College in Michigan, and will soon finish her doctorate in Cincinnati (thus completing the Midwest trifecta). Her doctoral dissertation, which she will defend this fall, examines the relationship between language skills and resting state neural connectivity in preschool and school-age children via neuroimaging. Miss Hoyda has always had a love for teaching, including her time as a TA and an adjunct faculty member during graduate school, but has found that classically teaching middle school science is the most fulfilling and entertaining. Outside of the classroom, Miss Hoyda is a cellist and trombonist. Come see her in the Cincinnati Brass Band!

Favorite Classical Quote

“Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.”

Blaise Pascal

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