Welcome to the Classical Experience!
The new school with a
time-tested tradition
As a Hillsdale College Member School, Cincinnati Classical Academy is a public community school that provides a tuition-free, classical liberal arts education to 750 students from 60 zip codes in the Cincinnati area in grades K-8 We will be adding a grade each year until K-12 is served.
Learn more about Cincinnati Classical Academy
Now Accepting 2025-26 Applications
Open enrollment for new students and currently enrolled students has begun for the 2025-26 school year.
Why Classical Education?
The pursuit of the good, the true, and the beautiful is good for everyone.
Cincinnati Classical Academy provides a time-tested, content-rich curriculum in the classical liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in moral character and civic virtue. We aim to prepare students for life, not just for college and career, through formation of the will to desire what is good, true, and beautiful. We rely on teachers, not digital devices, to teach, inspire, and form our students. We use primary sources and classic literature so that students can converse with and learn from the greatest thinkers who shaped Western culture and institutions.

The Hillsdale Partnership
Cincinnati Classical Academy is one of more than 25 tuition-free member schools across the nation to be a part of the Hillsdale College K-12 initiative.
This is an ambitious program to establish and sustain classical liberal arts education throughout America. Like all of the highly successful Hillsdale College member schools, Cincinnati Classical Academy emphasizes intellectual rigor, human virtue, moral character, and responsible citizenship.
The Classical Approach to Education
Our teachings are based on the curricula, materials, methods, and aims that have traditionally been used to educate generations of young men and women who have helped build our nation and preserve Western civilization. The following are some of our hallmarks:
- Teaching objective standards of truth, beauty, and virtue
- Integrating the study of literature, history, science, math, music, art, and logic
- Cultivating moral character and civic virtue
- Relying on traditional methods, like teacher-led classrooms and great books
- Engaging a rigorous, content-rich curriculum
- Prizing a well-ordered mind and heart, from good manners to a well-adorned campus
- Seeking to tap students’ sense of wonder and pursuit of wisdom
- Holding that the purpose of education is to enable human happiness

How Do I Enroll My Child?

Attend an Info Meeting
Prospective parents can learn more about Cincinnati Classical Academy by registering for a personal school tour or an evening group tour.

Attend Open House
Cincinnati Classical Academy open house will be on November 9 from 7-9pm. Please register online.

Apply for Admission
All residents of Ohio entering grades K-8 are eligible. The application process for 2024-2025 will open this coming December.
Careers at Classical
Are you an educator interested in teaching at Classical?
Join us in helping children to become intelligent, curious, and responsible young adults.